Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Double birthday party for brothers?

My 2 sons are 13 mo. apart. So, one will turn 2 in March and the other will turn 1 in April. Should I do 1 big double birthday party or 2 separate smaller parties? Is it too much to expect people to come to 2 parties just a few weeks apart? I would do separate cakes and signs and whatnot for each at a double party so that they are each distinct and special. But to have 1 party instead of 2 I could spend a little more and plan it better I think. What do you all think?

Double birthday party for brothers?
I have 3 children whose birthdays fall within 3 weeks of each other. This year they will turn 5, 3 and 1 and I will be having ONE party! What I've done in the past is do something special for the individual child on his/her birthday. It's too much to expect all of the family/friends to come to your house, or whatever venue you choose, within weeks of each other. People are busy and have a lot of other things they need to be doing for a couple hours on a Saturday! Of course your children's birthdays are important, but I think it's appropriate to join the parties!
Reply:The children are 2 separate individuals, they deserve a party each, it is not what is best for you /family/friends, it is what the children will remember about their birthdays, they need their own memories,
Reply:That is nice to have one big birthday for your sons that are close together. When my brother and I were younger we had our parties together. 3/20 %26amp; 3/21. one year my mother had 60 kids in all at a community center and that was a blast. but she had other parents and enough fun for us kids. it was special cause we had more fun and more friends. It's special and worth doing it together cause they will remember spending their birthdays together which is special years from now they just can reflect back and remember what happened. yes by all means have it together one day. remember to take pictures.
Reply:Oh sure make them share their birthday too! After all what do they need a special day just for themselves for? And it is easier on you - thats what really counts huh?
Reply:I think you should go with the one. My two kids birthdays are 5 days apart and that's what I do. Trust me, everyone appreciates it.
Reply:being this young I think one party would be fine just do it in between and maybe do something small for them on the actual b-day. My sis and I had b-days 1day apart and we always had our parties together. which is how we grew up and we were fine but they did do separate parties for like the big ones like 16th etc.
Reply:mm. i'd stick eith the same party idea. they arent too much apart. as long as you made them both feel special. your right, planning longer is an advantage and you only have half the hassle. you could even arrange a sort of overlapping party. so any people for party 2 come first, middle for people attending both, and end fot the other childs friends. it sounds complicated but it sounds everything you need. not too much hastle, both have special time, better arranged. it might work. enjoy the party!
Reply:Oh, No. Please don't.

I have known people to try this. It causes confusion and the children do not know their real age and birthdate ( it takes them years to get this straightened out).

Some day they will have different friends who might not get along with each other and there may be age sparked conflicts ( older kids bully or boss younger kids around and the first few years it's a huge difference in age to the children being bullied).

If you want to do something outstanding for both of them then you could have a Party between their Birthdays but try not to assign it a Birthday Party. Then have quiet simple Parties for both of their Birthdays. This is just years you want to go nuts. For all other times it's best to keep their birthdays very seperate. You may see some confusion the first few years as one or both might think both Parties are for them,.. but not makeing it clear and distinct children lose touch with Dates, Birthdates, and Age and as a result one of your children may think they are 8 in a couple years when they learn to count.

Celabrateing your Birthday is not essential but it does help children with time, numbers, and learning they have basic information ( Name, Birthdate, Telephone Number, who Family is, Who friends are,... etc).

The only time I see anyone think it is or was a positive in haveing combined Birthdays is when they swapped Gifts or more realisticly would steal their sibling's gifts, grab a hand full of cake when noone was looking and were confident this was proof they were lovd and their sibling was worthless. Lotsa complexes. Makeing it worth your time to make this Complex.

All kids want is the achievement of ageing, a couple surprize gifts, a cake, and the warmth and love of friends and family. It doesn't have to be a complicated %26amp; expensive party every year.
Reply:i have the same problem, lol my oldest son is 4 and 9/3 my twin boys are 9/4 and will be 1, im thinking of doing a double party, you can go bigger but not have to do it twice, and eaiser on busy family and friends with just one stop, I would do both on one day, I know i will!!
Reply:I have several family members that do this. It is much easier on them and easier on family and friends to. Like you say if you wouldn't, guest would be going to 2 different b-day parties within a couple of weekends apart. I don't see where there is anything wrong with this, I actually think it is a great idea!


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