What happened to my party? My party used to show strong leadership in times of doubt. Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, and even JFK were true leaders. They knew how to stand up for what they believed was right even if it was unpopular at the time. Our party has been taken over by a bunch of spineless cowards who cower in the face of the enemy. How did the hippies manage to take over a once great party that had strong ideals and was able to bring the country together? I'm ashamed to tell people that i'm democrat, they have become an embarrassment. I don't know if anyone else in my party thinks like this anymore, but i know the party has left me behind.
Why has Democratic party abandoned me and it's other supporters?
Your question is well stated, and right on point! I too am a longstanding member of the party, have served dilligently for many years at the grass roots level.
Spent hundreds of hours campaigning door to door , %26amp; worked the polls for the party %26amp; individual candidates. Even served as an elected official of the party in my county.
That doesn't mean I ever cast a vote for a Democrat just because of their party label. I'm still proud being a Democrat, even tho the party has tried to be too many things for too many conflicting interests while drifting away from core values %26amp; beliefs of great men such as the ones you mentioned.
And the Republican party has also experienced changes which tends to make their message tough to support.
I don't dislike/distrust anyone merely because of their party. I have voted for folks w both a (D) or (R) beside their name without hesitation, %26amp; even a few w (I) !!
Didn't care much for Reagan while he was in office, but have come to respect the character he exhibited, %26amp; recognize that he was one of the best Presidents in our recent history; based upon a non partisan review of how America was affected by his leadership.
I voted for Gore in 00 %26amp; we lost, period, move on %26amp; get over it. Some still dwell only on some perceived plot between the President %26amp; his brother Jeb to steal the election.
Couldn't support Kerry not only because of the treasonous, grandstanding he did before Congress upon returning from Viet Nam, but couldn't have confidence due to his blatant pandering!!
I'm not a big fan of Bush, disagree w him 100% on several issues I am passionate about, but he is someone who won't waiver just because he's unpopular. I voted for him in 04 %26amp; don't regret it.
To end this rant (finally). I believe the root of the problem stems from the media....not because "it" is some evil thing , but how the message is now delivered via the media. Small soundbites, often out of context, campaign ads focused only on what's wrong w the other candidate or party.
We need a candidate to earn our support %26amp; vote based upon what they bring to the Presidency or any other elected office, %26amp; not focused on how bad, wrong, immoral, (you fill in the blank!) their opponent is. Run FOR the office, not against the other guy!
But we don't believe any of the campaign promises unless it provides something that helps us personally w no cost or effect we don't personally agree with.
Late addition....Right on HJ, you nailed the answer. Bettysdad is half correct, he failed to mention Dems who call Republicans nazis. Patriot continues the name calling %26amp; inaccurate labeling of opinions he doesn't like. Just STOP the hate mongering!!
Liberal doesn't mean cowardly any more than conservative means brave. Republican doesn't mean rich %26amp; white any more than liberal means naive %26amp; stupid.
We have seen the enemy, %26amp; it is US...........
Reply:You said Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman and JFK were true leaders because they knew how to stand up for what they believed was right even if it was unpopular at the time. JFK was the dividing line between the 'old Democratic Party' and this new bunch like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, the Clinton's etc.that lean more toward socialism. I'm not trying to be smart. I'm serious. Look at the symtoms. They want the government to do everything 'for?' us. They want to take away our constitutional rights---private property (eminant domain?)--- they allow liberal judges to "make", not interpret and enforce, our laws---our right to keep and bare arms---and even want control of our health care (HMO's then what? socialized medicine?) They want "God" written out of everything!! and even saying "Merry Christmas" has come under attack.(Religious Freedom?) One by one, if we don't stop it at the voting booths and in the classrooms we are giving up our rights. If people aren't worried about it, they should be! The Clinton's were in office for eight years and Hillaries big project was health care because 'every American should be protected and especially the children?' Where was the concern for the babies who were in the process of being born when MOM decided she didn't want it so a needle was stuck in it's head to kill it; then it was cut up and extracted from the womb (and other ways ways to abort them equally as gruesome). Why weren't laws against late-term and partial birth abortion signed into being before Bush took office, by the ones who claimed to be so concerned about the welfare of children? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to preach but it really is scarey. What kind of world are we leaving to future generations because of our apathy and ignorance. We let talking heads tell us what to think because we're to lazy to study issues, research the facts,check out history books and reason things out before we start spewing hatred and spreading ignorance. My Mom and Dad were Democrats from the "Old" Democratic party and that's what I was until the party changed---so I changed. You don't have to stay with a party that you don't believe in. There are other parties to join. Good Luck!!!
Reply:Don't like it? Join the Dark Side - the Republican Party. You will beg to come back...
Reply:I agree. Ever since the 60's "liberals" have been spoiling the Democratic party. And when I say liberal I mean the type you describe and the kind that don't have a sense of right and wrong.
Reply:No loyalty to anything or anyone !!
Reply:Democrats have been made spineless by years of smears by Republicans. There are people here that say Democrats are communists. They do this to sucker in votes from the frightened and ignorant.
Hippies didn't take over the party. I should know becuase I've been a politically active democrat since'72.
You don'y want to be a Republican. Join your local party, and bring it to where you want.
Reply:Most of the old guard are republicans now. Those are the ones who are so quaintly called the neo-cons. But there are many blue dogs left and they made a major gain in the last election. Hopefully they will have enough to take back the reigns from the fringe liberals in charge now.
Reply:The goal of the party now is to make our the Republican Party and our country look bad at all cost.
I'm amazed at all the double-talk, too. Listen to ALL the debates! They tell each audience what they THINK they want to hear... often contradicting what they said at the previous debate...
I hope people stop listening to the negative campaigning of ALL parties and listen to the ISSUES and SOLUTIONS. Putting down someone else's plan means NOTHING if they don't have a BETTER plan!
Good luck... We ALL need it! ; )
Reply:Join the Republican party! hey were not perfect but a least we are not a bunch of liberals who are to naive or cowardly to take on evil! Iran is a good example, the region and the world are threatened by by nuclear proliferation(the point being no more nukes then eventually no one has them), I simply do not understand a liberals stand on this issue do they really think this problem will go away? this is the 1930s all over again and many democrats are making the same mistake as Neville Chamberlain did.FDR had to drag Americans into WW2 as eventually our leaders will when things go too far, mark my word this conflict will last indefinitely, our President is not the problem, it is clearly the fault of liberals who will not stand up and do what is right...appeasement and isolationism have historically been the wrong approach to aggression.
Reply:So after all that the question I hear is, "I'm a Republican and Im pissed the American people dont swallow my lies and bullcrap anymore. Who do I have to insult to make Republicans look good again? We as a party are only good for enriching corporations. We wont fight in wars but we are willing to crap on ANY War Hero who doenst agree with us.Why is the Democratic party so STRONG when the Republicans are so greedy and evil and hatefilled they have to point out a woman's a woman and a black man is a black man, as opposed to coming up with REAL answers to real problems. Why are us Republicans so LAME?"
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