Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Democratic Party -vs- The Democrat Party?

The Democratic Party as our country once knew it no longer exists. Franklin Delano Roosevelt saying a 12 minute long prayer on national radio after announcing the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Harry Truman ending the WWII with atomic weapons. John F. Kennedy proclaiming that rights come not from the state but from the hand of Almighty God.

Today we have the Democrat party. Treasonous, cowardly, traitors, quislings, appeasers, socialists/communists, you-can't-say-that-in-America-crowd, let's destroy the world's greatest healthcare system, Mr. Gorbachev you really don't have to tear that wall down if you don't want to...we can engage in dialog instead, only the GOP uses oil (certainly not us learjet liberals and Mercedes Marxists).

The Democratic Party is dead. The Democrat party has taken its place.

The Democratic Party -vs- The Democrat Party?
sadly and not without thinking this through I have to agree with you. From the war to education to health care the new far left that have taken over the Democratic party are going to turn our once great country into a third world country which is their goal. And I don't see anyone on the republican side with the balls to fight them. I will just take one subject to prove my point. Education. Kids from other countries no longer have to learn English to further themselves in our schools. We now have to cater to their whims other wise you are a racist homophobes Republican hack. What is wrong with learning the language of the country that is giving you the freedom to better yourselves??? For liberals it is showing tolerance, to me it is cowtowing to a bunch of lazy illigals who are just here for the freebees.Color me a racist and a homophobe if you want to but I have written my president and all my reps on this without much of a response. Are they so blind to see what is going to happen? If so they arn't worth the spit on our pencils that we used to vote for them. Republican or Democrat or whoever. I am ashamed of this country but in my last few years I won't give up on trying to get some comon sense back into government. I know I have a 1% chance but I wouldn't be a die hard American if I didn't
Reply:I can not completely agree with the Democratic party or the Democratic party, but I will choose the one that doesn't support a war with no end.
Reply:"Treasonous, cowardly, traitors, quislings, appeasers, socialists/communists, you-can't-say-that-in-America-..."

This is not true

bush is the only one cowardly here putting our troops in danger
Reply:Since when is standing up to Bush unpatriotic?

Thanks for the rant, but its still the Democratic party -

call it what you will.
Reply:If you believe that the GOP of today even remotely resembles the party of Lincoln, or even old Ike, you are fooling yourself. Neither party listens to the center as they are too busy catering to the extremes.

Our two party system is in desperate need of campaign finance reform.
Reply:Surely you jest? Do you have any idea of what you are saying? I think you best research your history before you make such a dissertation, and ask a question, that was not a question.

Without some of our past presidents defending our country, you would not be able to make such an outrageous statement and post it nationwide, nor would I. take care.

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