Sunday, August 22, 2010

Third party ?

i would like to know if anyone remebers what happened last time there was a strong third party caniate and who he was?

now i want you to realize that all the votes that go to the third party usally always end up taking votes away from one of the parties ussally the gop.

so why would anyone in this coming election,if hillery gets the nod, why you would take the chance of getting her in office by voting third party?

Third party ?
Because if everyone continues to always vote for one of the two, even though we hate them both, we'll never have any real choice.

Sometimes you have to vote your conscience.

What I usually do is keep an eye on the polls in my state. Since my state is usually strongly blue, I feel free to vote for a third party candidate (usually Green), as I know my state will vote Dem without me.

I just wish my state could ocassionally have SOME say during the primaries; the pick is always decided LONG before it gets to us, so we are completely disenfranchised from the nomination process.
Reply:Because Hillary is just like the Republicans so it won't matter anyway, why not vote third party.
Reply:Perot could have won if he didn't keep dropping out. He's the last legitimate third partyer though. He was even invited to join the debates.
Reply:I for one hope the Reps take the bait and launch a third party candidate. It will give the election to the Democrats.
Reply:Perot was the last legitimate third party candidate in 92' and 96'. How do you think Clinton won his two elections? Perot was doing well too until people figured out what a nut-case he was. He never had the answer to anything. It was alway the lift up the hood and take a look answer. Oh yeah and buy my book.
Reply:That would have been Perot.

Remember that if voting third party is throwing your vote away, because the other guys will win, then you might as well vote third party, because the other guys will not need your vote anyway.

Vote with your mind, vote Ron Paul.
Reply:they don't take them away the Dem's and reps loose them by not having a good policy or good candidate.
Reply:Here is what I am telling people:

Vote for any candidate you want in the primaries. If there is a 3rd party candidate in the general election. Republicans and independents should vote for the republican candidate to avoid those socialist candidates that the DNC is putting forth. Democrats, VOTE FOR THE 3RD PARTY CANDIDATE!!!!
Reply:Ross Perot.

Don't go Left or Right, Go Forward, Think Libertarian.

I could be a bumper sticker salesman.

We still have democracy, for the most part, people should vote their concience, not Hillary Light.

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