Sunday, August 22, 2010

Which party is for "state-rights" (wink wink) today?

The Republican Party or the Democratic Party?

I know it was the southern socially conservative wing of the Democratic Party and later the Dixiecrat Party that was or "state-rights" in the past.

Who is for "state-rights" today?

Which party is for "state-rights" (wink wink) today?
Today, neither of the major parties are for states rights.

The libertarian party is for states rights but it is not a viable party.

Edit - Just because a candidate lies about his position on states rights does not make him for states rights.
Reply:I don't know about the party but the man is..........

FRED THOMPSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:The Republican party is for states' rights.
Reply:Honestly, I never saw the appeal. Are state bureacracies less inept than federal bureacracies at anything?
Reply:The Republican party "should" be for State rights, but over the Bush-Clinton-Bush administrations have done 2 things - reduce the party choices the people have to 2, and then blurr the lines of those 2 parties.

The only Real Republican, endorsed by Real Republicans is Ron Paul.

The only candidate whose stand is being endorsed by the candidates themselves, is Ron Paul.

Thompson agrees with him in most issues except Ron Paul wants peace and not war.

Romney agrees with him on immigration.

Obama agrees with him on bringing troops home and Foreigh affairs. (Obama, is no dummy and he sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee)

They have ALL agreed with him in some form over returning to the Constitution.

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