Sunday, August 22, 2010

Whatkind of party animal are u?

The weeper

"You all hate me" is the typical line used by the weeper numerous times during the party. She is likely to spend most of the evening in the rest room holding the hand of a friend, who is patiently listening to her anguish, tears, and whiny vomiting. The weeper is a phase most girls go through when they get drunk for the first time every year.

The DAMP child

She is the cheerful type who does excessively energetic cartwheels and juggles beer bottles while claiming "I'm not drunk, I'm just in a really good mood", even though her eyes are rolling around in her head and her cheeks are blushing. She is simply impossible to bear in the long run and is likely to be sent into the kitchen to do the dishes. This type may turn into the weeper during the late hours.

Biker chick

This type goes into macho mode when she gets drunk. She becomes boastful and loud and belches a lot. She usually hangs out with the guys shocking them with foul-smelling, record-breaking belching after putting away a large drink of beer. She is really pushy and likely to tell all kinds of lies, for instance about working as a locksmith.


This is the faint-hearted, shy girl, who with just a touch of alcohol in her blood blossoms out and emits a very special radiance. She doesn't necessarily say very much, but for some reason she is the one getting all the attention and the one all the guys want to dance with. When the party ends, she can never find her shoes, which she has left somewhere during the evening's heavy disco dancing.

The Barbie type

Once the food has been cleared away, she is likely to place herself in the lap of all the men she is considering getting intimate with later on. She is eagerly watching out for attention and flirting. She is usually all the other girls' party nightmare. This is because she is extremely thin even though she has just consumed a side of pork. And she usually leaves the party with the best looking guy there.

Numskull Jackie

This girl may very well be petite, but her size is apparantly increasing at an alarming rate and proportionally with the number of times she yells cheers. She is likely to overturn the gravy dish and step on people's toes when she is dancing. You are likely to see her running around somewhat uneasy saying sorry most of the evening.

The bullshitter

This guy doesn't get plastered until comparatively late in the evening. He is likely to spill beer on someone, if not himself, and respond with a stupid grin. Once the bullshitter has reached the end of his line, it is very difficult to get through to him. He rambles incessantly. It sounds as if he is saying something, but when you ask him to repeat what he said, he just shakes his head absentmindedly while gazing at the ceiling with a stupid grin on his face.

The loving philosopher

This guy always ends up sitting on a couch drinking beer while telling a friend how much he loves him and how much he appreciates their friendship. In such situations, the philosopher experiences really deep feelings and mumbles about the meaning of life. In some situations he may feel a spontaneous need for a hug from his best friend.

The skirt chaser

He is normally a pretty quiet guy. But once he has downed his first beer, the skirt chaser turns into a charming Latin lover, who is only looking for one thing! Without thought for the consequences, he hits on everything with a pulse. This starts with a hand on a thigh under the table and flirting glances during the first course, but soon the hunter retires to the host's bedroom, where he lays his prey on the guests' coats. If this skirt chaser hasn't bagged his prey by one o'clock, he's in trouble. By this time, the alcohol has made him drunk as a skunk and completely unable to score.

The stripper king

This guy just wants to get naked. It usually only takes a couple of beers for him to ask someone if they want to be naked with him. When not drunk, the stripper king is a perfectly normal guy. But once the party starts, he feels compelled to show off his sparse chest hair and pimply ***. The minute the music starts, you can find him on the nearest table doing The Full Monty.

The professor

This guy becomes smarter and smarter with each beer he downs. At least that's what he thinks. He loves to debate. Be it politics, science, or sports: he knows everything. All the other people at the table are getting tired of him and his loud, know-it-all manner. As the evening drags on, he gets really close to getting punched in the eye.

The stoner

The stoner is always nagging people to play drinking games with him as he is really bad at socializing with other people when he is not drunk out of his wits. He usually gets quite good at socializing, but subsequently gets stoned out, pukes, and falls asleep in the rest room. He stays here taking turns between sleeping and puking. The rest of the guests have to come up with alternatives for using the rest room.

Whatkind of party animal are u?
'Skirt Chaser' Sounds like 'fun'....!!
Reply:I didnt read any of that.. I just get drunk as hell and occasionally throw up on myself.
Reply:you left out kitty cat-wants to fall asleep after drinking
Reply:A bit of dampchild, some cinderella in it and lotsa numskull jackie
Reply:The kind that hardly ever goes to parties,ever
Reply:I am Cinderella unless I get too happy and then I turn into Barbie. (That is the copy and paste of a lifetime!! Thanks a Million!!)
Reply:Ha ha ha ...very good....I haven't decided yet.

Ha ha ha ha...I have to go over them a few times.
Reply:True story, honest!! Many years ago at a party a lady came up to me (total stranger) and after about five minutes we were in the backyard doing it on the lawn. Little did I realize that the whole party was on the backporch watching us. When we got done I heard applause, so i did the correct thing, I stood up took a bow, and pulled my pants back up.

And went back to the party....
Reply:the somewhat damp, stoned, stripping cinderella.
Reply:lol i didn't read them all, but the 'Dead' one. haha

Oh okay now i'll read..



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