Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What are the faults in the two-party system?

-I've looked on wikipedia already. These are some of the things i've already thought of.

-The two-party system encourages candidates to destroy the other parties’ campaign rather than trying to promote their own.

-If one party becomes weak, a dominant party may develop. This makes an election unfair.

-It is'nt possible to have a third party.

-If both candidates arn't any good, we still have to pick one.

-The two main parties are pretty much the same.

-If we had more major parties, more people would vote and the results would be much more accurate.

-The two-party system encourages the Electoral College that many people have wanted to change for the past 200 years.

-If we had more than two parties, there would be more diversity. Even though the people running are different, we are still basically voting for the same people with the same beliefs year after year.

-The elections are based on money and how much you have rather than principal.

Please email me if you have any more!!

What are the faults in the two-party system?
A Two-Party System has its own pros and cons.

Since there are only two parties, competitiveness is increased since usually there are two people competing for a single position. They will tend to try to keep pulling each other down (crab mentality).

Since there are only two candidates, we are forced to choose between the candidates. What if you considered both candidates illegitimate? Would you rather opt to not vote?

Although the Two-Party System has its downs, it will make more organized elections. In the Philippines' 2007 midterm elections, the two-party system will be used again. Unlike the May 2004 Elections, where there were 5 parties, the midterm elections will return to the two party system.
Reply:The fault is we don't have a viable third and fourth....and I'm considered a Lib Dem!!

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