ok well i'm having a pool party soon and my mom always embarreses me when i have them like she starts dancing around and stuff or makes us all pose for pictures and talks to all my friends like there her own i asked her if she could just lighten op on those things and to not dance at all but she said no.. also she makes all these extremely strict rules and if someone breakes one of them at my party's she like gets all mad at them how can i get her to calm down a little but about my party so it could actually be fun.. also if anyone has any fun ideas i could do at my pool party feel free to share them
Pool Party Help!!!?
Sit her down, and tell your mom how much you appreciate her letting you have your friends over.
Then tell her how much you love that she is such a fun mom and likes to do crazy stuff.... but at the same time that it reallly embarrasses you, and makes you want to reconsider having friends over because it is so embarrassing.
Dont do it in a naggy tone, be VERY grown up, and you might find that because you were so responsible and told the truth and explained why it bothered you rather than just being short and saying it "buggs" you..... she just might try to watch what she does.
Best of Luck =)
Reply:Mom is right, listen to her. Rules are important for pool parties because it is so easy for someone to get hurt. Volleyball is fun. Best cannonball. Cut mom slack. Pool parties are a lot of stress on an adult.
Reply:give her a blunt tell her to get lost
Reply:no idea what to do about her ma (maybe she needs a shrink - sounds a bit mommie dearest - or like maybe she's a bit competetive with you) but it looks great if you put floating candles in the pool...
Reply:Well, I personally don't think it's right for you to tell your mother not to dance around and have fun. It's her house, she can do as she likes. I bet it hurts her feelings to hear you say that she is embarrassing to you. As for the rules, like I said, it is her house and her rules. If you would rather be alone with your friends, just talk with her and let her know how you feel without being insulting. She was a teenager once, I bet she remembers how she wanted to hang out with her friends without parents around.
Reply:If your mother makes the event so embarrassing then don't bother having it at all. When she sees you are cancelling a fun thing for you and YOUR friends, she may stop acting so ridiculous
Reply:Heck, let your mom dance around! One day you will think it was pretty kool! As far as rules, you really need to have those as someone could get hurt in the blink of an eye! As far as fun, try water polo, contests as in finding objects on the bottom and races. Then you could have a TV close to the pool and have a Dive-In similar to a Drive-In etc... etc...
Your mom sounds very kool!!!
Reply:Set up a dunking booth and have your mom be the one that gets dunked .
Mom needs to let go ,and chaperon from afar.
And you need to tell her you will make good for any clean up that
is required after word .
Reply:I know parents can be embarrasing, but she apparently loves you. You're lucky. A lot of kids, maybe even some of your friends, could be jealous of you and you not even know it.
10 years from now, yuo'll be glad she took all the pictures!!!
Reply:lock yo mamma in a closet
Reply:Put some tranquilizers in her beverage and she'll be out of your hair.
Reply:Then tell your mom to leave. Just leave her be. I know how it is with mom there. Just relax and have fun. get her involved or something.
Reply:make sure everything is organized first, that way you won't have two things to worry about. your mom probably has good reasons for these rules, ask her gently about them. also water tag or volleyball is fun!
Reply:ok i so know what you are goin through! just try to talk your mom into maybe going out with her friends like she could go shopping or something! even she could go to wal mart but make it fun so that way she will want to leave you alone!
Reply:Be honesty with her. Tell her before the party how you feel. Maybe you and her can come to agreement on how you want to run your party. If everything goes will Thank her 4 letting have the party.
Have a Luau party.
Reply:first how old are you if your under the age of 15 than maybe she doesn't trust you or your friends talk to her about it,if that doesn't work I would try and have the party at an other home
Reply:Explain to your mom CALMLY and POLITLEY that you would appreciate it if maybe she step back when the party starts and let you handle things.
Make sure your friends are respectful and do your best to make sure things run smoothly. If things go well she will see that she doesn't need to monitor you and your friends so closely and she will "lighten up" as you put it.
Parents are always going to be a little embarassing every now and then. Just realize that you are more embarassed than your friends are and they probably don't care... their parents could do worse things. Just concentrate on having a good time and if your mom embarasses you walk away and don't make a big deal of it. That just draws more attention to her and she might be doing it to get a reaction out of you.
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