Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Do you prefer our three party system or would you prefer to have more than three?

I personally like having three. I believe it would be to watered down and complicated once you have more than three parties. More division amongst the people, plus I would think that less gets accomplished. Although I would like to see our third party, instead of having multiple different parties that can take the independant spot, I'd like to see it permanently be the Libertarian Party, or at least some permanent fixture. The Libertarian party is after all the most well balanced party! I'm sure most moderates would choose from the Libertarian party if they knew it would be worth their time to vote something other than democrat or republican! Since that seems to be the trouble with the independant spot, it's usually a wasted vote.

Do you prefer our three party system or would you prefer to have more than three?
I like our current 2+ system.

In CA, during the gubernatorial recall when any rube could run for governor, everyone complained about it and called it a "circus."

Parties are good to weed out the goobers.
Reply:The US system is predispositioned for a 2 party system. This is because in many states to win a candidate MUST have a Majority of the vote meaning 50% +1.

If we had multiple parties strong enough to be contenders, it would create run-off elections. Not undoable as evidence by Louisiana.

If we were to get a viable thrid party up and running I believe one of two things would happen.

1. The Democrat or Republican party would fold.

2. Other parties would begin to spring up and for a time you could have 4 or 5 parties getting seats in the house and senate and that would last for a while until we went back to a 2 party system again.

I believe there are just too many advantages and preset reasons why this political system would end up that way.
Reply:tonight I'd just prefer a pool party.

It's friggen humid outside.
Reply:I think that we should have a no party system. People stand for what they stand for NOT for what some organization says they should.

Also, this would eliminate the conservative v/s liberal crap as well...

Get rid of the GOP and the DNC
Reply:What are you talking about "three party system"? The US is a two party system -- the term independent doesn't constitute a third party. I would prefer a parliamentary system which would allow for many different parties with varying views. It would make the legislating bodies far more centrist - much like the majority of the country. As it is now we're stuck with one extreme or the other, it is disgusting.
Reply:Whose 3 party system? The US has a 2 party system, but there ae additional parties that usually don't hardly make any noise.
Reply:Who says we have a three party system? In theory, perhaps, but, let's face it, it's Democrats and Republicans only.

The idea of having a third "independent" party means that a person can run for office without having to be a part of any certain party. If you added Libertarian (god forbid) as the third party you would would only be constricting the people's choice even further.

Voting for independent candidates is not always a wasted vote. The more votes an independent candidate gets the better chance they have of participating in public debates which helps to expose the voters to alternative policies other than those of Democrats and Republicans.
Reply:Since when do we have a 3 party system. In my view, republicans and dems are one and the same! They're a bunch of corrupt politicians.

Take the immigration bill for e.g., all they're trying to pass it for is more votes...they don' care that the illegals are ILLEGAL!!!

And Bush is doing it to bring on a new world order. Anyone who believes Bush is a conservative christian president..is loony!! He is a Cedar Grove, satanists..old school!!!
Reply:I would prefer to have publicly funded elections and to do away with lobbyists. Then we would see who really cares about representing our best interests.
Reply:id prefer a true republic without any parties.
Reply:having more parties , and a system that can get the average man elected without him having oil pals, being rich, or owned by various PAC's is true democracy

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